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Effective Ways To Remove VOCs And Odors From Your Homes

Effective Ways to Remove VOCs and Odors From Your Homes

Maintaining safe and clean air in your home or business is crucial for enhancing your health and your family’s overall well-being. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emerge as dangerous threats to indoor air quality and can act as essential components when it comes to degrading your health. 

And the most tricky part is the origin of VOCs as they emerge from various sources, such as cleaning products, fragrances, furniture, and paint. 

Before diving deep into the details of the effective removal of odors and VOCs, from your apartment, let us briefly look at what VOCs actually are –

What Are VOCs?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic chemicals that are emitted in the form of gas from a specific category of solids and liquids. These chemical pollutants are more than potent to make you exhibit all the symptoms of short-term and long-term adverse health effects. The most dangerous aspect of VOC is that its indoor concentration can often be higher than the outdoor concentration. 

The primary sources of VOCs in modern homes are household cleaners, disinfectants, air fresheners, aerosol sprays, smoke from various sources (wood-burning stoves, cooking, tobacco, wildfires), paints, glues, and more. VOCs are particularly noticeable when a strong chemical scent is present, commonly associated with new furniture, carpets, and electronics undergoing a process known as “off-gassing.” Some commonly found VOCs are formaldehyde, benzene, butanol, etc.

Adverse Effects of VOCs 

VOCs can pose severe health risks upon prolonged exposure. As per the American Lung Association, these gases can react with other natural gases and produce toxic pollutants. 

According to the EPA reports, the most common health issues that arise from VOC exposure are as follows: 

  • Eye, throat, and nose irritation
  • Nausea
  • Potential kidney or liver damage
  • Potential collapse of the central nervous system
  • Allergic reactions on the skin and scalp
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness
  • Frequent headaches

VOC Exposure Limits 

Proper assessment of the VOC levels in closed spaces is crucial to identifying potential dangers. Refer to the table below for a better understanding – 

  • Less than 0.3 mg/m3: Low level 
  • 0.3 to 0.5 mg/m3: Acceptable level 
  • 0.5 to 1 mg/m3: Marginal level 
  • 1 to 3 mg/m3: High level 

How to Remove VOCs and Odors From Your Homes 

Follow these practices to reduce the amount of VOCs present in your household: 

  • Choose non-toxic cleaning products
  • Store chemicals away from living spaces
  • Opt for low or no-VOC paints and finishes
  • Avoid harsh chemicals
  • Properly store items such as fuels, chemicals, paints. etc. 
  • Trust professionals when it comes to handling harmful chemicals as mixing or working with different chemicals can lead to volatile reactions and the formation of deadly gases 
  • Keep chemical substances out of reach of children and pets 
  • Introduce proper ventilation in the household 
  • Utilize air purifiers with Carbon filters to actively remove and cleanse airborne pollutants 
  • Bring in professionals to perform air quality testing to check VOC levels 
  • If the levels exceed acceptable levels, employ indoor air cleaning services like ECOS for a speedy treatment.  

Embark on the journey to cleaner, healthier air by implementing strategies to remove VOCs from your homes. Don’t compromise on air quality—take proactive steps to ensure a safer and healthier indoor environment.

Why Choose ECOS to Remove VOCs and Odors?

  • Our live operator is ready to schedule your project 24/7
  • Enjoy the convenience of service availability 365 days a year 
  • We prioritize the health and safety of our clients above everything else
  • Our cutting-edge equipment is safe for people, animals, and delicate materials
  • Our technicians are extremely friendly and helpful
  • With years of industry experience, we bring a high level of professionalism and expertise to every project
  • Our pricing is competitive, transparent, and free from hidden charges


ECOS is your solution if you’re dealing with smoke-related issues, odors, VOCs, or if you suspect poor air quality in indoors. Contact us for reliable services dedicated to making your life safer, easier, and better. We are committed to delivering trustworthy solutions for your well-being.

ECOS Environmental