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Raccoon Feces And Urine Removal

Raccoon Feces and Urine Removal

Animals like raccoons are incredibly flexible. They have unlimited transportation and food options. However, like any living creature, all that food must eventually go somewhere. For the quality of the air in your house, raccoon excrement may be quite harmful. There might be a variety of issues if raccoons use the restroom inside or near your home.

It is always possible that raccoons dumped waste or even dug a latrine on your property, whether they have entered your home or are merely passing by. You should frequently check your yard for indications of animals if you have small children who play outside or a dog who enjoys running free. Fill up any holes or divots in the surface that raccoons could use as cover while you survey your yard.

Raccoons Always Defecate in The Same Location

The idea of a wild animal using the same location for bathroom breaks seems unusual. Raccoons, however, will only relieve themselves in a little space known as a latrine. A strong smell may develop as a result of feces building up. Raccoon excrement typically resembles dog excrement. There is, however, one distinct distinction. raccoon excrement could contain undigested food. Common locations for latrines include tree roots, stumps, inside of chimneys, beneath decks, and in attics.

Raccoon Latrines Transport Many Diseases

The parasite most often connected with raccoon feces is the raccoon roundworm or Baylisascaris. Humans that swallow the eggs from raccoon excrement can become sick. Because they have the propensity to put things in their mouths, children are in the group that is most vulnerable. Muscle atrophy, liver problems, exhaustion, and blindness are among the symptoms.

It is possible for any animal to contract the parasite giardia. Any surface the virus may contact becomes contaminated, including the water, soil, and air. By eating contaminated cysts, humans catch an infection. Diarrhea, abdominal pain,  and dehydration are other signs of this illness.

Raccoon urine contains the bacterium leptospirosis. Jaundice, muscle aches, high temperatures, headaches, and diarrhea are symptoms.

There is a chance the mentioned diseases will infect our pets as well. It is simple for dogs playing in the yard without a leash to unintentionally come into touch with a raccoon latrine. If you think there may be raccoons on your premises, keep your dog on a leash and pay close attention to where they place their mouth and nose.

The most typical methods that raccoons transmit these illnesses are through polluted water, soil, or food sources, with direct contact occurring sporadically (bite or scratch). However, it is getting more and harder to avoid these encounters due to the size and constant growth of the raccoon population in Colorado. We should always be aware of what is going on and use common sense wherever possible. Keep an eye out for them in your attic and get in touch with a wildlife specialist if they may have broken into your home.

Raccoons are unfortunately associated with a variety of health hazards. Thorough cleanliness practices might help you and your family avoid a raccoon issue. Only professionals can conduct a safe raccoon latrines removal.

How to Do Raccoon Feces and Urine Cleanup at home?

  • Put on scrub-safe rubber boots and disposable rubber gloves.
  • Wear a respirator with an N95 rating.
  • Dust may be removed by misting it with water from a spray bottle.
  • Feces should be scooped and put in a bag.
  • Use hot water to treat
  • Clean up the area
  • Use clean boots, shovel, and safety gear
  • Calling a professional is the best option

Why Hire a Professional Raccoon Feces and Urine Cleanup Company

Raccoon waste should be removed carefully by following safety precautions. If not, your family can suffer from fatal diseases. Professionals have the tools and know-how to stop the spread of any illness. Therefore, this is not a DIY project as it can be quite harmful to be exposed to raccoon waste.

Why Opt for ECOS’s Raccoon Feces and Urine Cleanup?

Here are the perks of hiring ECOS Environment & Disaster Restoration.

  • To execute your project, a live operator is available around the clock (Monday through Sunday).
  • Our services are accessible 365 days a year, seven days a week
  • The health and safety of our customers are our top priorities
  • Our contemporary technology is secure for humans, pets, and delicate objects.
  • Our personnel is kind and accommodating
  • We are professionals in the field and have years of experience under their belt
  • We provide cheap rates and have no hidden fees
  • To document and demonstrate the degree of the damage to the insurance provider, we take “before” and “after” pictures in connection to our cleanup service (if the affected area is insured)

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