Radon Testing Guide
Ten years ago, radon hazards and effects were the subject of media sensationalism that combined to create doubt and alarm. Nevertheless, two things are now evident due to improved research:
- Lung cancer can be caused by prolonged exposure to high radon levels
- These levels can be effectively lowered
The uncertainties are still there when it comes to the extent and duration of exposure. Radon hazards are still an inevitable aspect of owning a house. Radon testing is important for the majority of residential real estate transactions. And radon mitigation is mandated for new construction in several jurisdictions. You can use this article to determine whether the radon levels in your house are high and to learn how to lower them.
What Is The Big Deal About Radon?
What Is Radon Gas And How Does It Form?
The radioactive gas radon is created when uranium decays and has no color or smell. Most of the radon is present in the soil. On the other hand, the air we breathe daily contains relatively little radon gas.
Why Is Radon An Issue?
The actual issue arises when radon gas enters your home and becomes trapped. Exposure to elevated radon levels can have long-term consequences as it is carcinogenic and can lead to lung cancer.
Here are some indicators and symptoms indicating radon exposure:
- Coughing
- Chest pain
- Hoarseness
- Lack of appetite
- Shortness of breath
- Abnormal weight loss
- Bronchitis or pneumonia
How Can Gas From Radon Enter A House?
Radon gas seeps into a house through the earth. The worst places for radon to enter a building are cracks in walls and floors, even though radon may enter straight via pores in concrete. Elevated radon levels can occur in any home, regardless of age or state. It actually relies on how the soil around your particular house reacts with it. Your neighbor’s radon level may be far higher than yours.
How To Do Radon Gas Testing?
Getting a radon test done by experts is the only practical method to find out if you are exposed to radon in your home. Is your place located near or in a radon-prone area? Well, you can lower the amount of radon using two primary full-proof radon testing methods.
Temporary Radon Testing
To determine whether more testing is necessary, short-term tests are helpful. The majority use electret ions or activated charcoal to monitor radon levels for a period of two to seven days. To get the findings, you ship the tests to a lab. Hardware stores, home centers, and internet vendors provide short-term testing.
Long-Term Radon Testing
A year or ninety days are measured in long-term testing. Many rely on monitoring alpha particles, like the AccuStar test, as seen below. Because snow cover retains radon gasses, it is a more accurate estimate of typical yearly levels in your house. This can fluctuate greatly from day to day and month to month depending on many factors. That includes strong winds, varying soil moisture, and drops in air pressure.
State-run radon programs and internet merchants provide long-term radon testing.
Ongoing Radon Testing
Continuous electric monitors connect to a regular socket. The Safety Siren Pro Series digital meter is available in most online stores. You can get a running average from these monitors and utilize them for both short- and long-term testing. Using an ionization chamber, they continually take air samples. Talk to your neighbors about splitting the fees and the monitor.
Hire Ecos Can Help
Our goal at ECOS is to reduce the health risks associated with radon exposure. Our all-inclusive testing services include sample analysis and testing for both commercial and residential premises. We only use cutting-edge techniques for radon testing using eco-friendly machinery.
Get in touch with the staff at 1.888.990.5067 to receive timely and effective services around the clock.